Polypropylene pots that come with the perfumery training kit and are used in the 5-step creation kits for making clients bespoke pefumes. They are just the right size for 100 drop sample.
100 drops (about 2 ml/2 grams) is also the right quantity to make a 1/4 oz or a 7-8ml bottle of perfume. That's 2ml concentrate and 6ml of Alcohol(Ethanol) or PerfumersWorld's TM non-alcoholic Zolvent FleuressenceTM
* 50 Mixing Pots with covers per pack * Translucent Polypropylene (PP) * Solvent and Acid Resistant * 5cc (=5ml) capacity * Ideal for experiments * Holds 100 drops comfortably for mixing customer's samples * 100 drops - just enough for a 1/4 oz iSniffs perfume * Splash and dust proof covers - screw on type
GCMS Solid Samples If using the pots with a Cotton Wool ball to send a 50-100 drop solid sample for GCMS Analysis please READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST GCMS Liquid Samples If sending liquid samples for GCMS analysis please use glass vials for this purpose as a small amount of liquid is required for the test.