The F-TEC (Fleuressence TEChnology) Perfumery Training Kit

The perfume kit that makes learning perfumery as simple as ABC now with longer odour lives, better oil and wax based product compatibility and easier IFRA compliance.
And we really mean that easy.
Unique to PerfumersWorld, the most advanced perfumery training kit ever offered publicly.
The kit compliments our unique copyrighted system of The ABC's of Perfumery and is an excellent companion to our Foundation Course in The Art and Technology of Perfumery.
Create the style of your favorite fragrances and personalize them just for you, your company or products.
The kit forms an ideal introduction to studying perfumery and integrates with our professional training courses.
What you get:
- Starter Perfumery Course
- The Perfumers Wizard online perfume creation program, all device and platform independent.
- The Perfumer's Wizard has 50 fragrance profiles to generate unlimited formulas automatically and can be upgraded to include thousands more profiles.
- 40 page Booklet with 30 demonstration formulas to get you started
- 25 x 10g (˜10ml) concentrated perfumery bases based on our copyright system The ABCs of Perfumery.
- 100g (˜100ml) of non-alcoholic solvent, a cosmetic grade carrier oil to replace alcohol
- Dropper tops that make measuring as easy as 1,2,3
- 5 trial mixing containers
- 2 packs of specialist smelling strips
- 2 perfume bottles for your finished creations
- Packed in a handy re-sealable storage box for safety and no-smells.
- Integrated with The Perfumer's Wizard from which you can generate unlimited formulas
Opening The F-TEC Perfumery Training Kit
The Perfumer's Wizard
- You don't have to order you can make it yourself!
The Perfumery Training Kit's 26 Materials:
Note: There are maybe slight changes to the list and names provided below,
to comply with changing IFRA and EU regs, product updates and improvements.
If re-ordering items refer to the SKU code on the bottle and quote in the remarks.
Fleuressence TM Bases come under the classification of specialty bases and are made from aroma chemicals, natural essential oils, isolates, absolutes and PerfumersWorld captive ingredients and can be used as building blocks to create professional perfumes very quickly like The Custom Creation Kits
Speciality/Specialty Fleuressence TM bases are also used to replace unobtainable materials like natural fruit essential oils, rare natural materials, animal products or where special effects are required. Almost any styles of perfumes can be created very quickly using only Fleuressences or they can be used with any other industry standard aroma materials.